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Hawks Football and Cheer

Hawks Football and Cheer

Who are the Hawks?

Hawks Home Field Location

1273 Lower State Road, North Wales, PA 19454
Here is the link to the site that houses all AWAY Field Locations.  Please check with your Coach to be sure in the event these locations have changed.

About the Hawks
Updated 1/19/21

The Hawks are a non-profit organization serving the community of Hatboro-Horsham School District. The Hawks were founded in the 1960’s and originally known as the Horsham Huddlers. Over the years many changes have taken place in the game of football but the Hawk’s mission remains the same now as it was in the 60’s when they began. To promote good sportsmanship, build physical skills and encourage mental development through healthy, organized competition and teamwork for 5 through 15 year olds. The program is open to all, and does not restrict membership due to race, religion, gender or ability.

The Hawks are headquartered at Chestnut Creek Park on Lower State Road in Horsham.  The Hawks operate a Clubhouse, Snack Stand, Press Box, Practice and Game Fields on this site.  This is where the teams practice and where Home games are played throughout the season from August through November.  The Game Field is called Worthington Field and the complex in which it resides is known as the Dennis Landis Football Complex. There is a rich history of Hawks Football and Cheerleading.  The Hawks is a completely volunteer driven association and the members and board determine how successful we are through the work and dedication we put into it.  It is all about the kids and providing them with a safe, fun and competitive experience that they can remember for the rest of their lives.

The Hawks is comprised of over 500 participants annually in Football and Cheer each Fall season and Co-Ed Flag and Cheer and in the Spring in partnership with NFL Flag Football.  In 2021, the Hawks launched NFL Cheer for the Spring 2021 season.   It is our vision to continue growing the program in both seasons, providing more kids with a chance to enjoy the sports of football and cheer!

Our Mission

The Hawks was founded to promote and sponsor a program of competitive and instructional, age and weight group football and cheerleading, combined with the teaching, training, and supervision of the ideals of sportsmanship, teamwork, scholarship, and development of good character.

                                     NFL Flag San Diego

Away Game Locations - Link to BuxMont Site

Here is the link to the site that houses all AWAY Field Locations.  Please check with your Coach to be sure in the event these locations have changed.

Volunteer Clearances Summary

The Hawks are made up of Volunteers at every level.  All Board Members and Coaches (FLAG, TACKLE, CHEER) must comply with this requirement.  Please read the explanation below and also use the links at the bottom of the page to complete your THREE (3) Mandatory Checks. 

The Pennsylvania State Legislature has a law that all persons having repetitive contact with children have the following clearances, (1) criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police and (2) Child Abuse History Clearance from the Department of Human Services.  Additionally, a (3) fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) submitted through the Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent is required if the position the volunteer is applying for is a unpaid position; and the volunteer has lived outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the last 10 years.  If you have lived here for 10 years, you do not need the fingerprinting, just the signed Signature Form.  So ultimately, you will need to submit THREE (s) items to the Hawks for your Clearances.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recently passed a state law known as the Child Protective Services Law. The intent of this law is to protect the youth of Pennsylvania. All youth serving organizations within the Commonwealth are covered under this new law. Volunteers in all District 22 Leagues are required to provide background check clearances. Please review this information and take the required action.

Who is required to comply with the new Pennsylvania law?

All adults who have care, supervision, contact with children or routine interaction with children must have proper clearances. All registered Coaches and Assistant Coaches (all seasons), Team Parents, Umpires,  Board Members and all other direct-contact volunteers must have proper clearances.  

State Mandated Background Checks: 



Hatboro Horsham Hawks Football & Cheer
PO Box 284 
Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044

Email: [email protected]

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